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TÜV SÜD gives buying tips for exercise bikes


Munich (ots)

Anyone who trains regularly in the fitness center knows the situation: in January, the studios are full due to the many New Year’s resolutions, in February the rush is a little less, and with the spring weather at the latest, the regularity of visits decreases significantly. Many members therefore ask themselves whether they should invest their money in a fitness device for their home. In order for the fun with a new exercise bike to last longer than a few months, it is crucial to make the right choice when buying – after all, most users want to limit themselves to one model for reasons of space and cost. TÜV SÜD product expert Florian Staudigl explains which fitness equipment suits whom and gives tips on what to look out for when buying.

It depends on the individual training behavior

“Before making a purchase, anyone interested should make it clear what kind of sport they are,” advises Florian Staudigl and gives a few examples: “Fresh air fans who also jog in winter or swing on their racing bikes several times a week do not need an endurance device at home, but should preferably work on strength and muscle building. Beginners may be overwhelmed with rowing machines. Foldable home trainers can be easily stowed away, but it is particularly practical for short training sessions if the sports equipment does not have to be set up first.”

Checklist: Which exercise bike suits whom

  • How many people want to use the device? If there is more than one user in the household, very specialized devices are not recommended. Rowing machines, for example, reliably strengthen leg and torso muscles when used correctly, but are intended more for sporty users and are not suitable for people with back problems. Weight and height also play a role: does one of the athletes exceed the maximum weight? Are the saddle and bar on an ergometer adjustable so that all users can train comfortably?
  • What is the goal of the training? Anyone who is also a member of a fitness studio or does club sports can concentrate on a specific training goal at home. For regular short breaks in the home office, simply equipped exercise bikes are often sufficient. These classics among home sports equipment enable effective and joint-gentle training while sitting, and knees and spine are not put under excessive strain. The waiver of numerous training programs has a positive effect on the wallet without loss of quality. Compact models require little space and are therefore easy to integrate into everyday life. Ambitious athletes, on the other hand, should look for a particularly robust frame, height-adjustable handlebars for a real racing bike feeling and numerous, demanding resistance levels when buying.
  • How much space is available? Many buyers underestimate the space requirements of rowing machines, ergometers, etc. There are also major differences within the individual product groups. Here it is advisable to lay out the dimensions of the models in question on the floor with paper and also to think about the exercise area. Does the device get in the way here in the long run or is access to the shelves behind it made more difficult? With some treadmills, the height can even become a problem: If you want to train in the basement, you should make sure that your head is not uncomfortably close to the ceiling when the room is low. The perspective of the athlete must also be considered: can I see the TV from here if I want to watch series during training (but without blocking the view of the other family members)? Do I really want to train on the treadmill directly in front of the window (and therefore clearly visible to neighbors)?
  • How important is the training environment? While some athletes go down to the basement to train without complaining, others need a pleasant atmosphere. However, an exercise bike in the living room does not necessarily go down equally well with all family members. Even if the individual requirements vary: You should only train in rooms that can be well ventilated. In addition, the manufacturer’s specifications regarding the location must be followed: It is important to stand firmly on a level, horizontal and non-slip surface and to comply with the safety distances listed.
  • How digital and networked should the training be? Athletes who want to log their training successes precisely, synchronize them with different devices and evaluate them via an app should take a close look at the features of the different models. Those who attach less importance to this or already cover these functions with their smartwatch and other systems can save a lot of money by doing without them. The same applies to the offers from more and more manufacturers who promise a joint online training experience. This has a motivating effect for many athletes, but others can easily do without the extra feature that is subject to a fee. Anyone planning to help their parents get better fitness with an exercise bike should be cautious here anyway; as a rule, older users find extensive technical choices superfluous or even confusing.
  • How sporty should it be? Honesty is required here. Because when buying an exercise bike, not only the long-term (and perhaps very ambitious) goal should serve as the basis for considerations, but also the current level of fitness. An example: Treadmills are basically also suitable for untrained beginners and overweight people, since you can also walk on them. But honestly, who really puts an expensive treadmill in their apartment and then regularly walks monotonously fast on it? This is where a bike trainer might be more fun. If you have health restrictions, want to specifically combat health problems with training or have not trained for a long time, you should seek advice from your doctor or physiotherapist before you start. Otherwise, especially when training alone at home, there is a risk of incorrectly practicing procedures or overexerting individual muscle groups.

Certified safety

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a mini stepper, a foldable exercise bike or a treadmill: the price range is large, although the selling price says little about the quality of the individual products. Anyone looking for a reliable decision-making aid should therefore pay attention to whether the selected model bears the GS mark for tested safety or the TÜV SÜD octagon. Florian Staudigl explains: “The product testers at TÜV SÜD have many years of experience when it comes to fitness equipment for home or professional use. We always check the mechanical safety – for example whether an exercise bike can be folded and unfolded safely. That’s important Of course, we also check whether a device is standing securely and can be used accordingly. Depending on the device, we also check the electrical system. We also examine the material used very carefully: Doesn’t a component break off even under heavy loads? Are there any sharp edges or protruding screws ?”

The testers pay particular attention to the handles and other components that come into direct contact with the body, especially in the case of home trainers: Here it must be ensured that no harmful substances are released through the athlete’s sweat during use. In the case of products without a seal of approval, this danger still exists today. According to the expert, interested parties should take their time when making a purchase decision and pay attention to good workmanship and the important seal of approval. Detailed instructions for use should be available and wearing parts should be available from the manufacturers or dealers. Nothing stands in the way of fitness within your own four walls.

More information is available at

Press contact:

Dirk Moser-Delarami
corporate communications
Westendstr. 199, 80686 Munich
Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 57 91 – 15 92
Fax: +49 (0) 89 / 57 91 – 22 69

Original content from: TÜV SÜD AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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