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“Twice”: Beto Casella revealed the truth behind his romance with Marixa Balli

After the controversial statements made by the famous former vedette Marixa Balli On the floor of “LAM”, a cycle led by Ángel de Brito on América TV, where she is now one of the panelists, the famous journalist Beto Casella came out to speak and give details of the alleged relationship he had with the famous.

“I saw the program on the web, she was very affectionate, it was not a purely sexual thing,” Casella began by saying about the romance that he lived many years ago with the famous Marixa Balli. “There was, I don’t know if love, but I remember that she took time to answer and I was like ‘she doesn’t answer’, and I think she finished it,” she added.

“It seems to me that there was a lot of pressure from the family, because she was a classical dancer, from Colón, and I from Haedo, did you see? The hairs around here,” Beto Casella said, pointing to the shoulder area. “The family did not like me very well,” revealed the host of “Bendita TV” regarding the famous Marixa Balli.

Marixa Balli.

According to the driver, he did know the dancer’s family. “Twice they saw me. It’s not that I was going to eat on Sundays, but with the two times they saw me, it caught up with them, “Beto Casella clarified regarding the family of his ex.

What Marixa said about her relationship with Casella

A few days ago, the famous dancer Marixa Balli revealed some details of his long-standing relationship with the host Beto Casella, on the air on “LAM”, the program run by the journalist Ángel de Brito on América TV together with a famous team of panelists.

“He’s a divine guy. Beto is a good person. He has character, at that time he had long hair, he was very cool,” the brunette managed to say. According to what he said, the journalist was very loving with her at that time when they lived that romance.

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