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Twitter Blue: Paid premium subscription now also available in Germany

The content of Twitter Blue

Twitter’s paid premium subscription, Twitter Blue, is now also available in Germany, and users have been able to book it since Friday. For 8 euros a month – or 11 or 7 euros, depending on where and for how long you take it out – you not only get the coveted blue tick next to the account name. The tweets from subscribers are also prioritized by the algorithms and end up higher in certain areas, Twitter promises. It can also be used to edit tweets afterwards, share longer and higher-resolution videos and add “NFT profile pictures”. In the future, you should also see less advertising with the subscription.

Twitter Blue has been around since mid-2021, but only in a few states for a long time. Under Elon Musk, the subscription has a checkered history, the US billionaire wants to turn it into an important source of money for the social network. After some back and forth, the revised subscription was first launched in the US in mid-December, followed later by the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Since Friday, it can also be booked in Saudi Arabia and the first EU countries: in addition to Germany, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain are also included.

The German page for the subscription is not yet up-to-date, here you will find, among other things, outdated information on availability and the price of the subscription. Those who should complete it can instead directly on Twitter on “TwitterBlue” click. There is also the currently valid information about the range of functions, the Twitter account @TwitterBlue collects news, but so far it does not know anything about the newly added states.

The premium subscription will be extended on Friday, just one day after the announcement that access to Twitter’s API, which was previously available free of charge, will cost money starting next week. Twitter boss Musk has already tweeted $100 per month thrown out as a prize. Many useful, entertaining and also important services are likely to come to an end. So far, many automated accounts in particular have announced that their time with this will end. It is not yet known how expensive it will really be, a list of prices circulating on the short message service is out of date.


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