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Twitter labels BBC as ‘government funded’

NPR, which claims to work completely independently of the US government, has, like the BBC, now been assigned the label “state-funded media” instead.

The labels link to Twitter’s policy site, where no further explanation of the labels is mentioned.

On the other hand, it is stated that “state-affiliated media accounts” are defined as media “where the state exercises control over the editorial content through financial resources, direct or indirect political pressure and/or control over production and distribution”.

“We are independent”

The BBC has contacted Twitter for clarification.

“The BBC is, and always has been, independent. We are funded by the British public through the license fee,” writes the public service company in one comment.

In addition, the BBC itself receives over £90 million from the government to run the BBC World Service, which is mainly aimed at a non-British audience, writes the BBC.

The marking applies to the Twitter account @BBC, which mostly promotes the company’s television and radio productions. News accounts such as @BBCNews do not currently carry the same label.

NPR has previously stated that it receives less than one percent of its annual budget from the US government.

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