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Twitter: only verified will appear in “For you” and will be able to vote in surveys

  • Twitter’s strategy to recover from the problems is based on giving more importance to verified accounts.
  • Verified accounts will all be paid upon subscribing to Twitter Blue.
  • Elon Musk talked about two benefits that only verified users will enjoy.

Elon Musk published on his social network Twitter two benefits that will be exclusive to verified accounts.

The decision is part of Twitter’s strategy to generate revenue through paying users and stop relying on advertising (which has dropped significantly, by the way).

But let’s do a little history first: Before Musk’s arrival in October 2022, the platform made countless changes over the years to attract and retain users.

From its early days as a niche platform for tech-savvy users, to its current state of functioning as a media outlet, Twitter has had to adapt to an increasingly complicated digital landscape.

The biggest change came in 2017, when it extended the character limit from 140 to 280, arguing the request of users and the need to allow tweets with broader ideas. It was a success.

Another key change was the algorithm that shows users more relevant content instead of a strictly chronological order.

Since the arrival of Musk, The modifications have always been in favor of encouraging users to pay for using the network by joining Twitter Blue.

Changes on Twitter: “For you” and votes in polls

The latest news in this regard comes from a publication by Musk in which the tycoon said this Tuesday, March 28, that Only verified accounts will appear in the “For You” recommendations feed.

The argument: “It’s the only realistic way to approach controlling swarms of advanced AI bots.”

Twitter’s “For You” tab shows users posts from people they don’t follow but are recommended by the company’s algorithm.

Until now, it showed accounts of any Twitter user, regardless of whether or not they are verified.

But the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX announced that from April 15 only verified accounts will appear in that section.

In the same tweet, Musk said that Only verified users will be able to vote in polls.

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