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Two Argentines made the cover of a Red Hot Chili Peppers song

Ignacio Coronel and Santiago Tomassitwo students and artists from Catamarca, were selected to make the cover of the theme “Tangelo”, from the last album “Unlimited Love” of Red Hot Chili Peppers.

This was communicated through social networks: “We can’t believe it. We cannot say that it was a dream come true because we never dreamed it“, they wrote along with a video of the process.

“It crossed many barriers, generated by the love we have for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Just words of thanks, and very happy for what has been achieved. Let’s go for more,” they added.

As they explained, to see the design it is necessary to enter Spotify from a cell phone. The truth is that both received messages of support on the networks and congratulations for all their work.

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