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Two million tons of sand and dust enter the atmosphere every year

Two million tons of sand and dust enter the atmosphere every year

MIAMI.- The International Day of the Fight Against Storms The Sand and Dust Storm is on July 12. The United Nations General Assembly stresses the need for global and regional cooperation to prevent, manage and mitigate the effects of these storms.

“This can be done by improving early warning systems and sharing climate and weather information to forecast such storms, using seasonal and sub-seasonal analyses and long-term projections of related parameters in relation to climate change,” the UN said.

United Nations It also calls for understanding the serious consequences of these storms, “in particular the deterioration of the healthpeople’s well-being and livelihoods, increasing desertification and land degradation, deforestation, loss of biodiversity and land productivity, threats to food security and their impact on sustainable economic growth.”

The organization maintains that sandstorms and dust They occur mainly in arid and desert regions. However, they can travel long distances and affect much more distant regions: “Approximately two million tons of sand and dust enter the atmosphere every year.”

Dust emissions

United Nations indicates that at least 25% of global dust emissions come from human activity. Thus, in some areas, the dust of the desert has doubled.

“The effects of this phenomenon are difficult to control, as human intervention in one part of the world can cause sand and dust storms in another region. However, sand and dust storms can also be reduced by human intervention,” the UN said.


Source: United Nations / National Geographic / International Day Portal

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