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Two other state unions ask to reopen the salary parity due to the increase in inflation

Two other unions that bring together public administration workers asked the Buenos Aires government to reopen the salary parity due to the fact that inflation in recent months and projections for the next exceed what was agreed at the end of February.

These are ATE and UPCN, which joined the request made days ago by FEGEPPBA, which also requested the advancement of one of the three increases that were announced and which totaled an improvement of 40% for the first part of the year.

In a request made to the Minister of Labor Walter Correa, the two unions formally requested the reopening of joint negotiations for the next few days since “the inflationary projection variables that served as the basis for the agreement did not coincide with the inflationary escalation in the which our country is immersed”, says the text released this afternoon from ATE. And he adds that “we understand it is essential that we can, as happened last year, maintain a lively and open parity that allows us to update the salary quickly.”

For their part, from UPCN they indicated that the requirement is of an “urgent” nature and “is based on the inflationary projections that are publicly known and that will exceed what was agreed in the joint act of February 27”.

And for this reason “we request the reopening of the negotiation as soon as possible.”

Last Thursday from FEGEPPBA they raised the “URGENT call to the salary parity table, in which the advancement of the established guideline can be agreed, for the month of July to the month of May”, as well as to reopen “the negotiation in the month of July” based on the evolution of inflation.

“As it is public knowledge, the aforementioned inflationary projections will be exceeded once the inflationary indices corresponding to the months of March and April are published,” the letter adds, stating that this generates “the consequent damage, purchasing loss, of the salaries of the and Workers”.

Given this scenario, which is from FEGEPPBA, they required “the URGENT call to the salary parity table, in which the advancement of the pattern established for the month of July to the month of May and the reopening of the negotiation in the month of July”, and also “the immediate call to the committed sector tables”.

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