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Two people convicted of rustling in Chaco

Two people convicted of rustling in Chaco

The court granted freedom of movement to former minister Dany Durand, who is accused of alleged fraud in the Mocipar case.

Judge Alicia Pedrozo granted freedom of movement to Dany Durand and Luz Marina González de Durand, accused of fraud in the Mocipar case.

This benefit was granted to the defendant under certain requirements, such as the obligation to offer a Personal Bond before the court up to cover the sum of five million guaraníes (5,000,000 Gs) through one or more suitable persons, within the term of five (5) business days. In addition, the beneficiary will not be able to leave the country, and will have to appear at all the hearings set by the court.

Related note: They admit imputation against Dany Durand for fraud in Mocipar

The fiscal agent Fátima Capurro is in charge of investigating 50 causes of clients of mocipate who apparently deposited monthly amounts up to 60 installments, but they never received the home, property or appliance for which they were paying. The same previously presented the accusation against the former Minister of Housing, Dany Durand, and six others involved, for the alleged acts of scam and criminal association.

Also in the Mocipar case, Durand was already charged with his wife Luz Marina González de Durand for the same punishable acts, but by prosecutors Irma Llano and Alba Delvalle.

According to the complaints, the victims paid fees to Mocipar for vehicles, household appliances, and real estate, but they did not receive their due in return. The events would have occurred in 2016. In this case, substitute measures were requested from prison.

The dissemination channel of the operation was a mass media, which gave it credibility and configured the scam by mislead the people who signed the contract, explained the prosecutor to Monumental radio. She emphasized that the same pattern is repeated in the 50 cases that she leads. The total sum of the amounts amounts to about 880 million guaraníes.

Dany Durand was head of the Ministry of Urbanism, Housing and Habitat from the Abdo Benítez era until October 30, 2020.

Also read: They raise the case of Dany Durand for false statement to trial

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