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Two traffic accidents on the routes of Córdoba caused the death of four people

Saturday January 28, 2023 | 12:30 p.m.

During Friday there were two traffic accidents that caused the death of four people on different routes in the province of Córdoba. One of the accidents occurred on National Route 60, between the towns of Villa Quilino and San José de las Salinas. There, three elderly men died while three other people were injured due to the collision between two cars.

Police officers confirmed that the fatal collision that took place in the north of the province was carried out by a Chevrolet Onix, with two occupants, and a Fiat Cronos where four people were traveling.

Due to the strong frontal impact, two of the people traveling in the Onix died while the other fatality was in the remaining car. Among the survivors is a minor, who along with the other injured had to be rescued from inside the cars.

Once they were able to remove them, all the wounded were transferred to a care center located between the departments of Ischilín and Tulumba. So far the identity and origin of the people is unknown, but it was reported that the case was filed in the Court of Duty of Villa Quilino, indicated Télam.

From the accident, it was ordered to carry out different rigorous procedural steps in order to determine the cause of it, reported from the police. On the other hand, the Highway Police recommended driving with caution on the Córdoba-Rosario highway due to other traffic accidents.

On the other hand, around 3:20 p.m. there was another traffic accident that left a woman as a fatal victim. The event occurred on the E-52 provincial route near Sacanta, Córdoba.

Córdoba Police personnel informed El doce tv that a woman was riding a Keller 110 motorcycle when a 4×4 hit her from behind. Due to the strong impact, the vehicle was embedded in the vehicle’s bumper and the driver died on the spot due to the serious injuries she suffered.

Shortly after the personal crash of the emergency service arrived at the scene and confirmed the death of the woman, whose identity has not yet been revealed but it was indicated that she was 22 years old. As for the driver of the truck, it only transpired that it is a 34-year-old man.

Although the case is also under investigation, it is speculated that the intensity of the rain could have been one of the reasons that caused the accident. The case was in charge of the San Francisco Fair Investigation Prosecutor’s Office

In case of having to drive in periods of heavy rain, it is advisable to travel with the low beams on since it means considerably increasing the ability to be seen by others. In addition, it was recommended to avoid the fogging of the windows to have a clearer vision, and to keep a distance from other vehicles since it will not only serve to stop safely in case of need, but also to have a greater range of visibility.

Since it is common to overtake on the route, in case of rain it was suggested that it is convenient to avoid overtaking. In this regard, it was explained that cars without lights can come that will be seen at a very short distance, or because when approaching the car that will be surpassed, the cloud of water that the wheels throw off complicate the vision.

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