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Two Upper Franconian cities bring up the rear: ranking shows bicycle-friendliness in Germany

  • ADFC bicycle climate test 2022 shows Ranking for cyclist friendliness
  • sense of security and bike transport in public transport under the criteria
  • Franconian cities Erlangen, Fuerth and Nuremberg score in size classes
  • Two Upper Franconian cities are special far behind

Bavaria has many beautiful cycle paths. But the free State remains bike unfriendly. With the grade 4 evaluate the cyclists of Bavaria in matters bicycle traffic“, writes the ADFC Bayern in the press release on the Germany-wide Bicycle climate test 2022. in one Ranking the bicycle club assigned places to German cities grouped according to the number of inhabitants. The question was whether the cities had improved compared to the previous year.

245,000 cyclists took part in the bicycle climate test – this is how the world’s largest bicycle survey worked

According to their own statements, the ADFC bicycle climate test is the largest survey to the satisfaction of cyclists worldwide. The ADFC leads him every two years with the support of the Federal Ministry of Transport. Around 245,000 cyclists voted in this round, 16 percent of which were ADFC members. 1,114 cities came into the ranking. Of these, 164 cities and municipalities are in Bavaria (2020: 167).

The test revolved around the questions of whether you are on the bike feels safehow good the bike lanes are and how much your own commune for the bicycle promotion does. Five additional questions revolved around cycling in the rural area. “In order for well-founded results to be achieved, there must be at least 50 voting results per city, and at least 75 or 100 in larger cities. The results of the test have been determined by the broad citizen participation high expressiveness and can help municipalities to specifically improve what is on offer for cyclists,” it continues.

“The satisfaction the cyclist has himself not improved“, sums up the ADFC Bayern. The approximately 245,000 cyclists surveyed in Bavaria and Germany gave the cycling climate a grade of 3.8. Bernadette Felsch, Chairwoman of the ADC Bayern, comments: “The results of this year’s cycling climate test are again sobering. When it comes to taking bikes on public transport, Bavaria receives the red lantern and the conditions for cyclists remain unsatisfactory, although more bike traffic cross-party politically desired is.”

City size class with more than 500,000 inhabitants: Nuremberg in the top 10

Occupied in the largest town size class Nuremberg the 10 from 14 places. This is the same rank as last year. The Franconian metropolis is also the second best-ranked Bavarian city after Munich.

  1. Bremen
  2. Frankfurt am Main
  3. Hanover
  4. Leipzig
  5. Munich
  6. Hamburg
  7. Dresden
  8. Dusseldorf
  9. Berlin
  10. Nuremberg

City size class 100,000 to 200,000 inhabitants: Erlangen is “front runner”

In the overall ranking bumps gain especially out, because the city was the 1st place of 40 in the town size class 100,000 to 200,000 inhabitants. This makes it the only Bavarian of 18 German cities to receive the title “leader”. Last year she was 2nd out of 41. Fuerth lands anyway 7th place, Wuerzburg on 19th place.

  1. gain
  2. Goettingen
  3. Darmstadt
  4. Oldenburg
  5. Heidelberg
  6. Offenbach am Main
  7. Fuerth
  8. Potsdam
  9. Hamm
  10. Heilbronn

City size class 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants: Aschaffenburg, Bamberg and Bayreuth mediocre to bad

Aschaffenburg, Bamberg and Bayreuth can be less proud of the points in their size class. Aschaffenburg proven 32nd place from 66, 43rd place in Bamberg and Bayreuth Square 48.

To the Bavaria-wide worst assessed aspects include the small width of the bike lanes (Grade 4.8) and that cyclists are usually forced to dismount and push at construction sites (Grade 4.7), the ADFC Bayern also explains. Also the lack of illegal parking control on cycle paths was criticized by many participants (grade 4.8, nationwide: grade 4.7).

They cut particularly badly Taking bicycles on public transport from: With a grade of 4.9, Bavaria received the worst rating of all federal states (nationwide: grade 4.5). Respondents from Bavaria rate the accessibility of their city center by bicycle comparatively positively (grade 2.7). Open one-way streets in the opposite direction for cycling also scored points in this year’s survey (grade 2.8).

City size class 20,000 to 50,000 inhabitants: Hof and Kulmbach in last places

447 cities are in the size category 20,000 to 50,000 inhabitants. Two Franconian cities bring up the rear. Herzogenaurach still occupied 25th placemany places behind lands Bad Kissingen with 282nd place. forchheim lands on 314th place, coburg on 322nd place. Roth proven 380th place, court finally 446 and Kulmbach 447. None of the listed Franconian cities could show an improvement compared to the previous year.

What tours you for a E-bike excursion in the Franconian lake district should know, we have put together here.

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