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Two women and a baby are shot while watching fireworks in Fresno

Two women and a baby are shot while watching fireworks in Fresno

FRESNO, California – Two women and a 9-month-old baby were shot while watching fireworks in front of a Fresno residence Tuesday night.

According to authorities, the victims were standing in front of a home located in the area of ​​Garrett Avenue and Bardell Avenue when several vehicles drove through the area firing shots.

One of the victims received two bullet wounds, one in the chin and the other in the shoulder.

The second victim was shot in the thigh, while the baby was wounded in the leg.

The three victims were taken to the Regional Community Medical Center and are reported in stable condition.

In addition to the victims, at least three vehicles and a house were also hit.

Isabel Sánchez reports from Philadelphia on the pending charges against the gunman in the mass shooting that occurred in the Kinsessing neighborhood on the night of July 3, 2023.

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