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Two young people were caught with more than 100 doses of marijuana in Monte Carlo | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Monday April 10, 2023 | 7:10 p.m.

Two 19-year-old youths, who would be engaged in the sale of fractional marijuana, were caught by members of the Misiones Police.

According to what was reported by police sources, the procedure was finalized around 4 in the morning today, after several days of investigation by the anti-narcotics personnel of the III Regional Unit, together with the Command, made tours in the Las Flores, where those involved were arrested after they tried to escape.

The young people had in their possession a backpack loaded with 110 marijuana wrappers, which were prepared for sale. The agents notified the Eldorado Federal Prosecutor’s Office, which ordered those involved to be transferred to the police station.

In addition, the substance was seized and deposited at the Azahares police station in that town, at the disposal of the Federal Justice, the spokesmen added.

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