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Ubisoft hires a Horizon veteran: he will take care of the ‘social interactions’ of the new games

Despite the numerous Ubisoft problems that have emerged in the last period, the French giant tries to reorganize itself to face all the difficulties, and to do so it also hires new personnel aimed at enriching the gaming experiences offered by the house of Assassin’s Creed.

Bernd Diemer, a veteran of the gaming industry, has recently joined Ubisoft: within the company he will play the role of editorial VP and will be in charge of shaping the social interactions of the French studio’s next games. Diemer boasts numerous experiences in the videogame field, having in fact given his contribution to the development of games such as Horizon Zero Dawn, Star Wars Battlefront II, Crysis, Battlefield V And Dead Island 2both as game designer and as creative and design director.

It is an honor to join Ubisoft and be able to collaborate with talented teams from around the world to shape the future of social experiences in Ubisoft games“, says Diemer, who goes on to point out how the Ubisoft teams “are known for their ability to create dynamic and diverse communities, thanks to innovative features and powerful brands that allow players to find common ground. I’m delighted to partner with the company’s studios around the world to take the social experiences of our games to new heights“.

With the ever-increasing diffusion of game services (Gaas), social elements within the videogame industry play an increasingly prominent role, revealing themselves not only as potential sources of great earnings but also real digital social spaces in which they can also hold major events (think for example of concerts by great artists held within Fortnite). Ubisoft therefore wants to focus with greater care and attention on these aspects in its games.

“Today, games go far beyond entertainment: they have become virtual spaces where people can make connections and share meaningful experiences,” says Ubisoft senior vice president Marie-Sophie de Waubert, adding: “Social experiences are an increasingly central element in Ubisoft’s strategies to reach new audiences, and therefore we welcome Bernd to our Global Creative Office where he will work closely with our production team to realize our vision of games as a space where users can truly be themselves and find their community“.

It recently emerged that Ubisoft was working on a dozen Battle Royale in recent times, which is therefore not surprising considering de Waubert’s words and Diemer’s entry into the company. All that remains is to see what contribution the veteran game designer will give to Ubisoft.

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