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Ubisoft+ seems to be in the works for Xbox

In January last year Ubisoft confirmed that their subscription service Ubisoft+ would be released for Xbox after previously only being available for PC. Since then, we haven’t heard anything more about this, but it looks like we won’t have to wait much longer.

Last month, many people noticed that some Xbox titles on the Microsoft Store were suddenly labeled “Ubisoft+”, presumably the result of someone being a little too eager to hit the publish button. Now TrueAchievements scanned the store’s database and found 63 Xbox games (click the link to see the full list) confirmed to be ready for Ubisoft+ for console as well as over 100 DLC items. It contains pretty much all the best things from Ubisoft.

Unlike EA Play, however, it doesn’t appear that Ubisoft+ will be part of Game Pass, at least not included in the current monthly fee. For PC the subscription costs 14.99 euros per month and we assume it will be about the same for Xbox.

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