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UK to evacuate Brits from Sudan “as soon as possible”

London, 23 Apr. The British government will evacuate its diplomatic staff from Sudan “as soon as possible,” a government source said on Sunday.

The Prime Minister’s Executive, Rishi Sunak, who on Saturday chaired an emergency committee to analyze the situation, foresees that the evacuation operation will be “very limited” and focused on officials from the British embassy in Khartoum, the source said.

The Government is currently advising British citizens to report their presence in the country to the Foreign Office and to remain in a safe place.

Interviewed this Sunday on Sky News’ “Sophy Ridge On Sunday”, the new UK Deputy Prime Minister, Oliver Dowden, stated that “the situation in Sudan is complex and it moves fast”.

He noted that, unlike what happened with the 2021 evacuation of Afghanistan, London has “few resources on the ground” in the African country.

The United Kingdom has historical ties to Sudan, which it ruled jointly with Egypt from 1899 until its independence in 1956, although the country does not belong to the Commonwealth (British Territories).

The United States has been the first state to announce that it has carried out the evacuation of its diplomatic personnel and family members by air today, while on Saturday Saudi Arabia did so by land and sea. EFE


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