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Ukraine Deals Hard Blow to Russia: Secret Spider Device Seized

A secret device from Russia, of great importance to The war development, fell into the hands of Ukraine this Saturday, according to media from that country.

His name is Spider and was key to the protection of the Wagner group, made up of mercenary soldiers under the command of Vladimir Putin.

Each conflict brings a development of technologies, and Spider is an essential part of the war in Ukraine. It is a portable device, almost imperceptible, which at the time was unknown to the forces that defend the nation of Volodimir Zelensky.

The Spider device is attached to the soldiers’ helmets, with the aim that they can detect laser emissions from enemy devices, according to the portal The Eurasian Times. With it they located drones and snipers.

“May recognize, examine and point out the directions of laser emissions coming from rangefinders and guidance system”, says the press agency.

“According to the user manual, the device can locate all current laser rangefinders, illuminators, and designators that operate in the 0.8 to 1.8 meter range.”

This is how the Spider device works

The Eurasian Times explains that the Spider device gives direction to the source of laser radiation, an aural warning (voice message), and a subtle indication of radiation exposure.

The fighter with Spider on his helmet is alerted in three ways:

  1. By audio with vibration, indicating left, center or right.
  2. Thanks to the light by the LEDs inside.
  3. And by a combination of both.

Works for 12 hours in a temperature range of -30 to 40 degrees Celsius, using two batteries.

Russia’s War in Ukraine Approaches its First Year

On February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of the territory of Ukraine, with the argument of “denazifying” the government headed by Volodímir Zelenski and “protecting the popular republics of Donbas”, located in eastern Ukraine and which would be annexed by the Russians.

It is the largest conventional military attack on European soil, since the wars that followed the end of the former Yugoslavia, in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

According to the United Nations Organization, More than 7,000 civilians have died in the conflict, also generating the displacement of more than 7.2 million Ukrainians out of the country and another 7.1 million within it.

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