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Ukraine has made only “small gains” after two months of its counteroffensive against Russia

Ukraine has made only "small gains" after two months of its counteroffensive against Russia

For the past 18 months since the invasion of Russia, Ukrainian forces have been predominantly on the defensive, preventing further territorial expansion by Moscow.

However, this summer marked a change when Ukraine launched a counteroffensivewith the help of significant Western military support, to recapture lands previously captured by Russian forces in the east and south of the country.

Despite his efforts, two months after the counter-offensive, not much progress has been made in the recovery of the occupied territories, according to a BBC verification.

Nearly a fifth of Ukraine is still under Russian control, including strategic cities like Donetsk and Mariupol, where the invading forces have entrenched.

The situation remains practically unchanged since November 2022when Ukraine last made significant gains, retaking the southern city of Kherson and substantial areas in the northeast.

While overall progress has been modest, Ukraine has managed to retake some small regions. BBC Verified Reports confirm the recovery of the village of Staromaiorske in the Donetsk region and the recovery of areas near Bakhmut in the east.

Furthermore, the Zaporizhzhia region in the south has witnessed minor gains, a crucial area where Ukraine is looking for a decisive difference.

Ukraine and Russia: Challenges and Defensive Tactics

Ukraine’s slow progress can be attributed to the formidable fortifications built by the Russian forces. Extensive defensive measures include triple layers of trenches, bunkers, concrete pyramid tank traps (known as “dragon’s teeth”) and thousands of land mines, which present significant obstacles to any advance by Ukrainian troops.

The Russians have been using anti-tank mines and booby-trapped trenches to increase the effectiveness of their defenses.

Besides, Russia is using its air power, employing Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters to target Ukrainian armored vehicles, particularly when encountering minefields. Without air superiority over the battlefield, Ukraine faces additional challenges in its counteroffensive strategy.

While Russia has strengthened its positions, Ukraine has been building up its armored brigades, many of whom have received training in Europe and superior equipment compared to the Russians. This has given Ukraine the ability to launch missiles, rockets or projectiles far behind Russian lines, striking fuel depots, ammunition centers and command and control centers, potentially weakening Russia’s defenses from within.

For example, the British-supplied Storm Shadow missile has an impressive range of over 150 miles, allowing Ukraine to push some of Russia’s positions away from the front line.

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