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Ukraine uses more ammunition than NATO produces, secretary general says

Ukrainian forces consume a quantity of ammunition far greater than the production of NATO member states, and these must imperatively increase their capacities, warned the Secretary General of the Alliance Jens Stoltenberg on Monday 13 February.

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“The current rate of ammunition use by Ukraine is much higher than our current rate of production. This puts our defense industries under pressure”he said during a press conference on the eve of a meeting of NATO defense ministers.

“Yes, we have a problem, yes, it’s a challenge”he added, while emphasizing that the Alliance had begun to act, referring both to the increase in capacity in the short term – with work on weekends for example – but also, in the medium term. , investments in production capacities.

The supply of combat aircraft discussed

The subject will be discussed on Tuesday during a meeting of the support group for Ukraine led by the United States, and later by the defense ministers of the Alliance states, he said.

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Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov will take part in both meetings and will inform the allies of the needs of Ukrainian forces, Jens Stoltenberg said. The supply of combat aircraft will be discussed, he continued. But “it will take time and the short term priorities are ammunition and armaments promised with fuel and spare parts”insisted the Secretary General of NATO.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wrapped up a European visit on Thursday, February 9, during which he demanded concrete answers to his request for combat aircraft, a request on which European countries have so far refused to commit.

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