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Ukraine War: Appeals and Warnings to China

As an economically and militarily strong ally, China has an influence on Russia that should not be underestimated – and France in any case wants to use this to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. During a visit to Beijing, Macron emphasized the “important role” of the People’s Republic to his Chinese counterpart Xi on Thursday.

“I know I can count on you.” Counting on that, Macron said, “to bring Russia back to sanity and bring everyone to the negotiating table.” “Russian aggression against Ukraine” is a “blow to stability,” Macron said. “I firmly believe that China has an important role to play in building peace.”

Von der Leyen is reminiscent of international law

“Arming the aggressor would be against international law and it would seriously damage our relations,” von der Leyen warned. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, Beijing has a great responsibility.

“We expect China to play its part and support a just peace – one that respects Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, one of the cornerstones of the UN Charter,” said the European Commission chief. The meeting with her took place after Macron’s appointment with Xi.

Red carpet and military honors for Macron

Macron was received with military honors in Beijing. For his part, the Chinese President praised the relations between the two countries, which are showing “positive and regular development”. Xi also pointed out that the world today is experiencing “a historically profound change.” Both called for speedy peace talks for Ukraine “as soon as possible” and reiterated their opposition to the use of nuclear weapons in the conflict.

Reuters/By Han Guan

Red carpet reception and military honors for Macron in Beijing

Moscow currently sees no chance

However, Moscow currently ruled out mediation by China. “So far there is no prospect of a political solution,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. The situation with Ukraine is “complex,” he said on Thursday. According to him, Russia currently sees “no other options than the continuation of the special operation” – a Kremlin euphemism for the Russian war against Ukraine.

Reuters/Ludovic Marin

After the appointment with Macron, there was a meeting with EU Commission President von der Leyen

Xi wants to call Zelenskyy “in due course”.

The French said the Chinese President was also ready “in due course” to telephone Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. China wants to work with France to reach negotiations to end the war in Ukraine. Macron also urged Xi not to provide anything that Russia could use “in its war in Ukraine.” Recently, Beijing had been accused several times, especially by the USA, of supplying Russia with arms supplies.

Von der Leyen: China is “greatly important for Europe”

Von der Leyen also met with the new Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang in Beijing. At the start of Thursday’s talks, she pointed out that China and the EU have benefited greatly from their growing cooperation, but that relations have become “more complex” in recent years.

It is therefore important to discuss all aspects that will help the EU and China “steer through a difficult and unpredictable environment”. China is of “great importance for Europe,” said the EU Commission President. There are mutual dependencies and a long common history.

In the discussion about the Ukraine conflict, Macron said in a speech that he wanted to try to “involve China in terms of shared responsibility for peace and stability”. He referred to the close ties between China and Russia. Beijing has reaffirmed compliance with the UN Charter, which also includes territorial integrity and sovereignty of individual countries. “Defending this means also going forward together and trying to find a path to peace.”

Beijing’s peace plan for Macron at least “interesting”

Macron also referred to the Chinese position paper on the Ukraine conflict that was presented in February: “Do we fully agree with that? No, but it’s interesting,” he said. “It shows his willingness to commit to resolving the conflict.”

Macron and von der Leyen visit China

French President Emmanuel Macron and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen met in Beijing on Thursday for talks with China’s head of state and party leader Xi Jinping. The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine and economic relations are the focus of the meeting.

The 12-point document calls for a ceasefire and a resumption of negotiations. However, it was received critically internationally because it showed no initiative to resolve the conflict, did not condemn the invasion and also reflected the Russian arguments with criticism of the West.

Since the invasion of Ukraine more than a year ago, China has been providing Russian President Vladimir Putin with political backing. The alliance also reflects the geostrategic rivalry with the United States. They and NATO are portrayed as the main culprits in the conflict. While Xi met with Putin in Moscow two weeks ago, there has not even been a phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy since the war began in February 2022.

diplomacy and differences

Relations between Europe and China have therefore reached a low point. In addition, there are differences over imbalances in trade relations, human rights violations in China, territorial claims in the East and South China Seas, and China’s threats against Taiwan.

AP/Ludovic Marin

Relations are tense – Europe still has to approach China

Nevertheless, Macron spoke out explicitly against decoupling from China. There is certainly a rivalry with the EU, but both sides must work together on important international issues. Von der Leyen expressed a similar view: “I believe that it is neither feasible nor in Europe’s interest to decouple from China. Our relationships aren’t either black or white, and neither can our response. So we need to focus on risk mitigation rather than decoupling.”

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