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Ukraine war in Newsblog | Russian Attacks Apparently Hit Ukrainian Missile Storage Facility

Russian Attacks Apparently Hit Ukrainian Missile Storage Facility

Von dpa, afp, Reuters, t-online

Updated on 05/01/2023 – 09:11Reading time: 51 min.

Russian defense lines: An expert classifies what tactics could be behind them. (What: t-online)

Day 431 since the beginning of the war: Sirens are wailing throughout Ukraine at night. The Ukrainian air defense also had to be active in the Kiev area. All information in the blog.

The most important things at a glance

London: Russia is building powerful defense systems deep within its own country

8:54 a.m.: In the war against Ukraine, according to British intelligence services, Russia has built strong defenses at the front, but also in occupied Ukrainian territories and sometimes deep within its own country. “Images show that Russia has made special efforts to fortify the northern border of occupied (Ukrainian peninsula) Crimea,” Britain’s Defense Ministry said on Monday. Hundreds of kilometers of trenches have also been dug on internationally recognized Russian territory, including the Belgorod and Kursk oblasts that border Ukraine.

Two possible reasons for the defensive investments were given in London. “The defenses underscore the deep concern of the Russian leadership that Ukraine could make a major breakthrough,” it said. “But some work was probably commissioned by local commanders and politicians to support the official line that Russia is ‘threatened’ by Ukraine and NATO.”

Ukrainian military: situation in Bakhmut “quite difficult”

8.50 a.m.: The Ukrainian military reports minor successes in the battle for the city of Bakhmut, which has been fought over for months. After Ukrainian counterattacks, “the enemy” gave up a few positions in the city, ground forces commander Olexandr Syrskji explained on Telegram. The situation in Bachmut remains “rather difficult”.

Russia is “constantly throwing” new units into battle, including paratroopers and mercenaries from the Wagner group, according to Syrsky. “But the enemy is unable to take control of the city.”

Russian Attacks Apparently Hit Ukrainian Missile Storage Facility

8.35 a.m.: The Russian attacks in the night probably hit a Ukrainian missile depot in the Dnepropetrovsk region. The Guardian reported Monday morning that there had been explosions at a railway depot in the city of Pavlohrad that was used to store ammunition.

Local authorities announced on Telegram that an industrial company in the city had been hit. According to the Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform, there is a chemical plant in Pavlohrad that deals with the disposal of old ballistic missiles and their fuel. According to the authorities, however, there was no chemical danger to the population.

Several houses, schools and shops were also damaged in the rocket attacks. 25 people were injured, including three children.

At least one dead in Russian attacks in the Kherson region

8:31 a.m.: According to Ukrainian information, one person was killed and three others injured in renewed Russian attacks in Ukraine. The Russian armed forces had “fired 39 times over the past day,” and the city of Cherson in the south of the country had been hit “eight times,” said Oleksandr Prokudin of the Kherson military administration on Monday. “As a result of Russian aggression, one person was killed and three others, including a child, were injured.”

The night at a glance: Air alert throughout Ukraine – Russia reports dead

Ukrainian soldiers fire a cannon near Bakhmut: in the city in the Donetsk region fighting against Russian troops continues uninterrupted. (Source: Libkos/AP/dpa-images)

Ukraine: 15 of 18 Russian missiles shot down

06:32: According to the Ukrainian military, the air defense shot down 15 of 18 rockets launched by Russian planes on Monday night. The Kyiv city administration reports that all missiles aimed at the capital have been intercepted.

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