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++ Ukraine war in the news blog ++ Russia and Iran are probably expanding military cooperation

Defense cooperation is not only a threat to Ukraine, but also to the Middle East and the international community, Kirby said. It is therefore planned to impose further punitive measures “in the coming days” against those involved in the increasing arms deals between Russia and Iran. The US has already imposed sweeping sanctions on both countries, but there is still room for more sanctions.

Zelenskyy returned to Ukraine

7.50 p.m.: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has returned to Ukraine after a tour of four European countries. “We are returning home with new defense packages: more ammunition, more powerful weapons for the front, more protection for our people, more political support,” the 45-year-old summarized the trip in a video recorded on the train on Monday. In all talks in Italy, Germany, France and Great Britain, his peace formula for a complete withdrawal of Russian troops from the state of Ukraine was discussed.

There is now more support for the country’s accession to the EU, said Zelenskyy. “There is more understanding for joining NATO, it will come, it is inevitable.” On Monday he had visited London, on Sunday Berlin, Aachen and Paris, on Saturday Rome.

The President particularly thanked Germany for the new €2.7 billion defense package, including Iris anti-aircraft systems, artillery, armor and ammunition. “In addition, Germany supports our country in the long term: There are eleven billion euros for it, purely for defense,” he said. His country’s victory was now closer.

Ex-NATO boss: “Ukraine would strengthen NATO”

7:47 p.m.: Former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has spoken out in favor of Ukraine joining the Western Defense Alliance and the EU. “Without ifs and buts: Ukraine must join NATO and the European Union,” said Rasmussen on Monday at a democracy summit he organized in Copenhagen.

“Ukraine has developed significant military capabilities and would strengthen NATO as a member,” said a paper presented by Rasmussen at the summit. In it, Rasmussen’s organization, the Alliance of Democracies Foundation, calls on Ukraine’s western partners to prioritize Ukraine’s accession processes to NATO and the EU.




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