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Ukraine war: Republican Lindsey Graham shoots at Trump and DeSantis

Republican Lindsey Graham has a clear stance on supporting Ukraine against Russia’s brutal war of aggression.Bild: ap / Josh Reynolds


She has been fighting back for more than a year Ukraine against Russia’s illegal war of aggression. The Ukrainians are standing their ground – also because Western allies are supporting them. Especially the USA cover Ukraine’s back. The Biden government is providing financial aid and Waffen available. But this supporting arm could apparently break away soon.

In 2024 a new president will be elected in the USA. While the Democrats are mostly behind Ukraine, skepticism is growing in the Republican camp.

Ukraine is defending itself against the aggressor Russia – but is dependent on the support of the USA.Image: AP / Libkos

“No major international interest,” said Republican Ron DeSantis in support of Ukraine. The governor of Florida is considered a potential contender for the presidential nomination. He describes the war in Ukraine as “territorial dispute”. Donald Trump would Russia simply “leave” Ukrainian territories – for a perfect deal. Overdressed? Republican Lindsey Graham is now speaking up – with a clear statement.

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According to Republican Lindsey Graham, we should learn from history

“For those who believe that Russia’s ‘unprovoked and barbaric’ invasion of Ukraine is not a priority for the United States, you are missing a lot,” Graham writes Twitter and probably wants to address DeSantis and Trump in particular. Russian President Vladimir Putin should not be underestimated.

Graham warns that Putin is open about his intention to rebuild the old Russian empire. “He has no intention of stopping in Ukraine”, says the Republican. The Story could be repeated, reminding of Adolf Hitler’s attempt to establish a Third Reich.

“Those who misjudged Hitler’s intentions paved the way for a major war and missed many opportunities to stop it early,” Graham warns, adding, “When it comes to Putin, the US is paying now or paying later.” If he wins the war in Ukraine and the West capitulates to him, it will lead to even more conflicts. According to Graham, this also applies to Taiwan.

China is closely watching what is happening in Ukraine

According to Graham, if Putin were to succeed in Ukraine, China motivate possible aggression against Taiwan. Anyone who does not recognize this has obviously not understood the connections in the world, warns the Republican. A warning that is probably aimed at many of his party members.

He himself has already traveled to the war zone to get an idea of ​​the situation on the ground. He also met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Republican Lindsey Graham (right) visits Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kiev. Bild: IMAGO/ZUMA Press / Ukraine Presidency

Graham apparently wants to take the wind out of the sails of DeSantis and Trump with his public announcement. Because both would probably leave Ukraine to Putin.

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