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Ukraine War: Wagenknecht and Schwarzer start "Manifesto for Peace"

Sahra Wagenknecht and Alice Schwarzer start a petition for negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. And earn ridicule on the internet.

Sahra Wagenknecht (Die Linke) and women’s rights activist Alice Schwarzer have something in common on the “” platform “Manifesto for Peace” published. The two women announced this in a video statement on the short message service Twitter. The two call on Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to “stop the escalation of arms deliveries”. Instead, he should head a strong alliance for a ceasefire and peace negotiations in Ukraine at both German and European level.

Criticize in their manifesto wagon boy and black also President Volodymyr Zelenskyj’s demands for further arms deliveries. “It is to be feared that Putin will launch a full counter-attack if Crimea is attacked at the latest,” warn the authors of the manifesto. Russia illegally annexed the Crimean peninsula in 2014. Schwarzer and Wagenknecht also criticize recent statements by Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, according to which Germany is at war with Russia.

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“Ukraine, with the support of the West, can win individual battles. But it cannot win a war against the world’s largest nuclear power,” it continues. According to Wagenknecht and Schwarzer, the war can only be decided at the negotiating table. However, Russia is currently not ready for negotiations – on the contrary: Russia apparently launched a new offensive in eastern Ukraine a few days ago.

The initiative of the two initiators mostly reaps benefits on Twitter criticism and malice. Critics accuse the two, among other things, of an alleged proximity to the Kremlin. Also, Schwarzer and Wagenknecht would not show a way like that peace treaty could be achieved because Russia was not ready for talks.

“Manifesto for Peace”: Actors, politicians, doctors – there are 69 first signatories

To the 69 initial signers of the manifesto belong to controversial figures such as the political scientist Ulrike Guérot. Guérot was criticized for plagiarism in her publications and has become an icon within the lateral thinker movement in recent years. However, several intellectuals, actors, politicians and entrepreneurs are also among the signatories, such as the theologian Margot Käßmann, the doctor Wolfgang Streeck and Martin Sonneborn (The Party).

Already in April last year black initiated an open letter appealing to Scholz not to deliver heavy weapons to Ukraine. According to her, this letter has now been signed by more than 500,000 people.

In a counter-appeal, intellectuals called for a continuous supply of arms to Ukraine. “In the hands of those attacked, tanks and howitzers are also defensive weapons because they are used for self-defense,” said the letter, which was signed by former Green Party politician Ralf Fücks, writer Daniel Kehlmann and publisher Mathias Döpfner, among others . It also said who one negotiated peace that does not result in the subjugation of Ukraine must strengthen its defense capabilities. Preventing a success of the Russian attack is in Germany’s interest. (lro/dpa)

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