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Ukrainian forces have successfully breached Verbove, a senior general says

The commander leading the Ukrainian counteroffensive on the southern front has reported a breakthrough at Verbove and anticipates an even more significant advance in the near future, according to Sky News.

Ukrainian artillerymenPhoto: AA / Abaca Press / Profimedia Images

This is the latest sign from Ukrainian authorities that progress is being made on the southern front of the conflict with Russia.

“I think yes (there will be a big advance),” said Oleksandr Tarnavski for CNN on Friday, although he believes his troops have moved more slowly than anticipated.

“I think it will happen after Tokmak. Right now (the Russians) are relying on the depth of their defensive line there,” he said.

The general’s statement is the latest indication from Ukrainian authorities that progress is being made on the southern front of the conflict with Russia.

Ukrainian armored vehicles are operating beyond the last line of the Russian defensive device that Ukrainian forces in the western Zaporozhye region are currently breaking through, the Institute for the Study of War writes (ISW) in its latest assessmentadding that he still cannot say that Kiev’s troops have completely broken through this layer of enemy defense.

Geolocated images posted on Thursday indicate that Ukrainian armored vehicles advanced south of Russian anti-tank ditches and “dragon’s teeth” obstacles that form part of a triple layer of defenses and engaged in limited fighting immediately west of Verbove (18 km southeast of Orihiv).

However, Russian-appointed officials in the occupied Zaporozhye region deny any advance by the Ukrainians.

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