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Ukrainian Red Cross admits deporting children from occupied areas to Belarus

Ukrainian Red Cross admits deporting children from occupied areas to Belarus

The scandal in the Ukraine tragedy is served with the symbol of the International Red Cross in the front line of fire. The organization has admitted that it participated in the deportation of minors from the territories occupied by Russia and took them to Belarus, where the regime of Alexander Lukashenkoally of Vladimir Putin.

The reactions have not been long in coming. The kyiv government has requested an international arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court (ICC) to Dmitry Shevtsov, delegate of the Red Cross, while the institution itself has taken action on the matter and has announced an exhaustive investigation.

Shevtsovin his defense, according to kyiv Postyouargued that they did it to protect them and help them overcome health problems and the trauma of war.

Dymytro KulebaUkraine’s Foreign Minister, demanded that the International Criminal Court (ICC) issue an arrest warrant for him after “publicly confessing to the crime of illegal deportation of children of the occupied areas of Ukraine”. “All those responsible for stealing Ukrainian children must be held accountable,” he tweeted.

Shevtsov stated on Belarusian public television that the organization “has participated, participates and will actively participate in this”, but that it did it so that children “were cured” and “forget the horror” from the war.

The ICC issued an arrest warrant in March for the Russian president, Vladimir Putinas “presumed responsible” for the illegal deportation of children and their transfer from Ukraine to Russia.

He also issued another arrest warrant for the Presidential Commissioner for the Rights of the Child in Russia, Maria Lvova-Belovawhat has adopted a minor from the Ukrainian city of Mariupol

The Belarusian opposition in exile accused the Lukashenko regime of illegally deporting more than 2,100 Ukrainian children

The Belarusian opposition in exile – remember efe– accused the regime of Alexander Lukashenko of illegally deporting more than 2,100 Ukrainian children to the former Soviet republic, a war crime that has already been denounced before the International Criminal Court (ICC).

“According to the data that we managed to collect, from September 2022 to May 2023, more than 2,100 Ukrainian children were illegally transferred from the occupied territories of Ukraine,” says the exiled former Belarusian Minister of Culture, Pavel Latushko.

“The movement was carried out from 15 occupied cities on the territory of Ukraine,” he said.

Five chosen camps

The opposition leader explained that Ukrainian minors are transferred to five camps in Belarus, four of which are in the region of minsk and one in the gomel.

“The decision on the financing, on the organization of the transfer of Ukrainian children to Belarus, is made personally by (President) Alexander Lukashenko (…),” he said.

Money to finance the forced deportation of children comes from the budget of the Russia-Belarus State Union

The money to finance the forced deportation of the children comes from the budget of the Russia-Belarus State Union and the relevant documents have been signed by Lukashenko himself.

“Have numbers, dates, copies of these documents. We also have documents signed by the Secretary of State of the State of the Union, Dmitri Mezentsevsaid Latushko.

Donetsk and Lugansk

Mezentsev said in June that some 2,000 children from the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine visited “sanatoriums” in the Minsk region, but this was done in accordance with legal procedures and with the consent of their parents or guardians.

In the documents collected by the opposition, the Russian official “indicates how many children they took out (from Ukraine) and how many they will take out, that among them there are orphansits route and a series of other data that prove the illegality of these actions,” Latushko stressed.

From Belarus to Russia

According to the opposition leader, there is also “evidence that these children are being re-educated on the territory of Belarus» by “Russian and Belarusian propagandists, and various organizations” in order to change the perception of their homeland.

In addition, he pointed to efe, his team has “evidence that several orphans, after staying in Belarus, were transferred to Russia to reside there. That is, they did not return to the territory of Ukraine.”

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