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Ulises Jaitt confirmed the separation from Tomás Holder’s mother: "We did everything backwards"

Some weeks ago, Gisela Gordillo Y Ulysses Jaitt They happily recounted the beginning of a relationship that had been born by chance and which they enjoyed for several weeks. However, the radio host confirmed that the romance had come to an end, after not reconciling in different daily situations.

in dialogue with Juan Etchegoyenfor Miter LiveUlises said: We are no longer together with Gisela, the reality is that we are separated, it lasted as long as it lasted, we stopped being carried away by the desire to see each other without knowing each other, we spent two weekends and it was the emotion of the moment to want to meet ”, he began counting.

and continued: “We did everything backwards and I am not sorry about that, we had a good time, Gisela is a great woman and a very attractive woman and as the days go by you see how she thinks or things that happen to you in life everyday,” he said.

There he revealed that there were some daily issues that led them to take different paths since they did not see a future together: “There were things that I did not agree with their points of view, it does not mean that mine are correct, their opinion did not fit vision with mine,” he said.

“Up front I told him that it seemed best to stop, there are things that one does not match and in the long run I saw that we were not going to make it last, and this decision was made by both of us to end it, one does not know the turns of life ”, he warned.

And he closed: “I didn’t tell him anywhere, I met Tomás one day when we went to the theater but a ‘hello and bye’, the relationship lasted a month, I didn’t have much chance to talk to him in depth, I didn’t get to know him. meet and that was it,” Jaitt explained.

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