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UN-DH asks to investigate National Guard attack on family in Nuevo Laredo – Hola News

Mexico City, Apr 18 (EFE).- The Office in Mexico of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN-DH) called on the Mexican authorities on Tuesday to investigate the death of a pregnant minor and a man , which occurred when the vehicle in which they were traveling was allegedly shot at by National Guard (GN) personnel in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, on the border with the United States.

In addition, it asked the authorities to “investigate the facts independently in accordance with the highest standards of due diligence and the provisions of the Minnesota Protocol on the investigation of potentially unlawful deaths.”

In a statement, the UN-DH recalled that on April 16, two people were killed by firearm projectiles and three more were injured (including a minor) in the city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.

According to reports, the 15-year-old pregnant teenager and a 54-year-old man died after the vehicle in which they were traveling with her family was shot at by agents of the National Guard when it was traveling on part of the National Highway to the Bridge. International III.

The UN-DH said that according to the information received, the five people were traveling in a vehicle and were shot from another vehicle that was identified as belonging to the National Guard and presumably occupied by members of said security force.

On March 1, the UN-DH demanded that the Mexican government investigate the death of five civilians during a meeting with the military in Nuevo Laredo.

Weeks later, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, defended the Armed Forces against the accusations of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN-DH), who has warned of their growing role in Mexico, espionage and disproportionate use of force.

Scrutiny over the Armed Forces in Mexico has grown since last October’s hack by the group Guacamaya Leaks, which revealed Army documents showing its espionage activities and its power in the government.

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