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UNAM dismisses the Minister’s thesis advisor

Iris Velázquez/Agencia Reforma

Wednesday, January 18, 2023 | 2:56 p.m.

Mexico City.- The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) reported that it canceled the contract of Professor Martha Rodríguez Ortiz, who advised the thesis of Minister Yasmín Esquivel for “having incurred in serious causes of responsibility, as well as lack of probity and honesty”.

In a statement, the Maximum House of Studies reported its determination after announcing that after an analysis, the thesis with which the official graduated from the Law Degree was plagiarized.

“For having incurred in serious causes of responsibility, as well as lack of probity and honesty in the performance of her work as an academic and director of professional theses, the National Autonomous University of Mexico resolved to terminate the Individual Employment Contract of Professor Martha Rodríguez Ortiz,” he said.

“With the official notification, issued on January 17, 2023, the employment relationship of Professor Rodríguez Ortiz with any academic entity of the National University, as well as the payment of their salaries, are totally suspended,” he added.

The foregoing was determined after all the elements that make up the Administrative Investigation Procedure were duly evaluated and analyzed.

“Which confirm that the professor committed conduct contrary to the purposes and ends pursued by this house of studies, and considering the express confession of the thesis director of having shared and provided the thesis project from one student to another.

“The National University acts in accordance with university regulations; it has adopted additional preventive measures to avoid the repetition of events such as the one referred to, and will continue to promote ethical values, responsibility and honor among the members of its community,” he asserted.

This occurs while the process of annulment of the Minister’s title continues without being resolved by the UNAM and the SEP.

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