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Uncertainty continues to decide on the new electoral map of Miami

Uncertainty continues to decide on the new electoral map of Miami

A federal appeals court temporarily blocked the electoral map for Miami ordered by Judge Michael Moore. And this just as there is a deadline to have the new city districts ready for elections this November.

Three commissioners are running for re-election and at this time it is not clear which district they will represent until the new map with the districts is defined.

Districts in the City of Miami divide the city into 5 zones based on the neighborhoods represented by each of the five commissioners. Since last year the commission has attempted to redraw these districts as required by law every 10 years due to population changes reflected in the census.

The map they approved was challenged in court by the American Civil Liberties Union and several resident groups suing, with some pointing out that the 3rd District, represented by Joe Carollo, was intentionally expanded to include the Coconut Grove home. that it is owned by Carollo, where he moved to this year, and that Alex Diaz de la Portilla’s district was designed to keep out a political opponent.

Last weekend the judge imposed the map designed by the plaintiffs, the city appealed in the court of appeals for the eleventh circuit and the decision must be awaited. For now the city-approved map stands.

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