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Uncertainty in Peronism after Alberto’s removal: they don’t know what to do with the space they claimed

All sectors of Peronism claimed that the president Alberto Fernandez, give up his re-election project. Except of course, by the albertists, a small group, mainly related to Buenos Aires Peronism and some mayors of the suburbs with little prestige.

It did not reach the president with Santiago Cafiero, Mariano Cascallares and a couple of small-time acolytes, he did not resist and got off.

However, this situation, which called for so much the Campora, it became a problem. “Be careful what you wish for” is a catchphrase that sometimes becomes a political issue.

Apart from the moderate celebration of Edward “Wado” Of Peter, who assured that Alberto’s decision allows ordering, that order is only an expression of desire. Because the problems remain the same, but without Fernández to point him out as guilty.

The three options that La Cámpora manages

La Cámpora vacillates between three options: his own Road: totally own but with little public knowledge and very low intention to vote; Sergio Massa: a Minister of the Economy at the worst moment of his administration, autonomous and that nobody knows if he wants to be; and the ineffable and always ready Pichichi: Daniel Scioliwhich arouses suspicion because what he wants is to close with everyone.

“This is all broken. He cannot be our candidate and also of the albertistas, cannot close with us and also with the Evita (Movement). And this is what he wants and what he is going to try, it is impossible to anticipate it, “explains a source from La Cámpora who has lived intensely the inmates of recent years, regarding Scioli.

Alberto Fernández lowered his candidacy and now Peronism does not know what to do with that space that it claimed

As soon as the “Pichichi” detected that there was a hole, it was sent. He had already done so in the brief period in which he was appointed minister: not even 12 hours passed from his appointment until he began to play set up as a candidate. Expelled from the cabinet, he returned to Brazil, but again, he is now someone to consider.

“Here Scioli plays a sad role I would tell you: his candidacy is only possible, because he is the only one of all those who are going around, who has no problem going to make a historic paper at the polls. Massa believes that he still has a future, Pedro actually has it, (Axel) Kicillof has to try to ensure the Province for us, who is going to the slaughterhouse? Well, Daniel offers himself,” explains a messenger who constantly travels from the Instituto Patria to the interior of the country.

Who “banks” Scioli

The former motorboat would also have the support of several governors, who timidly seek to impose a vice-presidential candidate. Actually, it is about that Peronist logic of taking something in exchange for support, but ultimately, nobody agrees on who that vice should be and there are not many willing to immolate themselves with the kind ambassador.

Scioli’s problem is the polls. With today’s numbers, what Pichichi’s candidacy seems to ensure is that for the first time Peronism will not be in the second round, something that Kirchnerism is not willing to resign.

“We are going to be made shit… after the election, but we cannot make it clear that we are left out of the second round, or that we did not leave seconds. If they (for Together) exceed 40% and take more than 10% difference from us, it is accepted, but being third could be the end of the Movement, it cannot be allowed”, wields someone who is in favor of forcing the operative outcry, either in favor of Cristina Kirchner or Massa, to ensure that second place.

can be seen, the ideological goes to the background. The decision at stake is purely strategic: someone who won’t miss out on second place, no matter what he thinks. If Javier Milei breaks the bipartisanship, coming second or going up to the ballot, Peronism feels in the process of extinction.

Scioli and Massa, two “presidential candidates” of Peronism

Scioli wants revenge, but the numbers (for now) do not give him

But Scioli does not stop, some say that he wants revenge for his close defeat in the second round against Mauricio Macri in 2015, although of course, in this scenario and after Alberto’s catastrophic outrages, his chances are extremely low.

“Here we have to end the myths. After all this, the only one who has votes is Cristina. Let’s not fuck with Scioli nor with Massa, which is more or less the same. People already understood that for pro-market candidates they have the yellows or Milei. Electorally, Sergio has nothing, he is a media figure like the kids from Big Brother. To play a dignified electoral role, either it’s Cristina or it’s someone Cristina can transfer votes to, and she can’t with anyone, not anymore,” says an elderly man with a Peronist tradition.

It doesn’t seem like a nonsense: the polls are not favorable to Massa either And it would be delusional to think that a Minister of the Economy in the midst of this economic cataclysm is a candidate with possibilities. “We cannot let ourselves be carried away by television,” completes the leader, judgmental.

In short, the only one who has decided to play is Pichichi, the great scorer who always comes back, the one who always offers himself, the one who seeks to be the postulant of the unit, the one that nobody wants, but to which, in this context, everyone could turn. After Alberto’s decline, the confusion in the PJ is sky-high and everyone has a tendency to preserve themselves, before being the face of the worst defeat in the history of Peronism. As they say, in troubled rivers, a motorboat gain.

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