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Understand how abdominal diastasis, common in pregnant women, can be avoided

Even with the good shape and a sculpted body after pregnancy, some celebrities have recently reported suffering from abdominal diastasis. Bianca Andrade, known as Boca Rosa, and Lorena Improta, wife of singer Léo Santana, were the most recent targets of criticism for the appearance of their bellies. Other public figures such as Giovanna Ewbank, Thaís Fersoza and Sandy have also reported having the problem.

Personal trainer Caio Signoretti explains that abdominal diastasis is nothing more than the removal of the abdominal muscles. She is more recurrent in pregnant women from the third trimester of pregnancy, and the abdomen may return to normal up to six months after childbirth. But if the problem persists, some situations can only be resolved with surgical intervention.

Diastasis is more common than you think. On TikTok, the hashtag on the topic already has more than 85 million views.

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Abdominal strengthening

Signoretti explains that the best way to prevent or minimize the worsening of diastasis is to strengthen the core musculature, which is a set of muscles that includes the glutes, spine stabilizers, transversus abdominis and oblique abdominis.

“This central region of the body needs to be very well strengthened to prevent the woman from developing the lesion”, explains the professional.

But even after the incidence of diastasis, it is necessary that the same strengthening exercises continue to be done so that the condition does not develop, explains Signoretti.

Sit-ups are prohibited?

A myth that must be clarified is about sit-ups being prohibited for people affected by the injury. The personal trainer says that these exercises are indeed recommended in case of diastasis, but they need to be well executed — done wrongly, sit-ups can even cause the problem in those who don’t have it.

technique of bracing

To effectively strengthen the core muscles, the personal trainer emphasizes the importance of applying the core technique. bracing. The method is based on a pre-activation of the abdominal muscles before doing any exercise in this group, and not just at the time of the abdominal.

Core strengthening exercises are simple, according to Signoretti:

  • Squats;
  • bench presses;
  • Board;
  • paddling;
  • Weightlifting;
  • Sit-ups.

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