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Understand Stroke Risks in Children and Adolescents | metropolises

Actor and singer Arthur Singer died last Wednesday (6/4), aged 13, after suffering a stroke (stroke). Doctors informed the family that the teenager was born with a malformation, which ended up resulting in a hemorrhagic stroke.

“My son never complained of a headache and we only try to do a CT scan, an MRI, when we have a complaint”, says Arthur’s mother, Meyre Adrian, in an interview with Gshow.

A stroke, also known as a stroke, occurs when vessels that supply blood to the brain clog or rupture, causing paralysis in an area of ​​the brain deprived of blood circulation. The condition is one of the leading causes of death in adults, according to the Ministry of Health, and can be classified as hemorrhagic or ischemic.

In cases like Arthur’s, with a hemorrhagic stroke, a vessel in the brain ruptures, causing hemorrhage. Bleeding can happen within the tissue of the organ or on the surface between the brain and the meninges. Although it accounts for only 15% of all stroke cases, it can cause death more often than ischemic stroke.

Unlike adults, whose main causes of stroke are modifiable and non-modifiable factors, such as high blood pressure, age, diabetes, obesity and overweight, smoking or drug use, children and adolescents tend to suffer accidents due to congenital causes.

The main causes of stroke in youth are malformations of the heart (congenital heart disease), inflammation of the vessels of the central nervous system (vasculopathies or vasculitis), sickle cell anemia, malformations of vessels (aneurysms), dysfunctions in the immune system and acute infections. and chronicles, explains physiotherapist and researcher Carolina Oliveira, in an article published on the Hospital de Clínicas Unicamp website.

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Stroke symptoms in children

Stroke symptoms may manifest themselves more subtly in childhood. Children and adolescents may have sudden difficulty walking or have an epileptic seizure.

General signs include sudden motor weakness, difficulty speaking and swallowing, drowsiness, irritability, visual impairment, sensitivity and cognitive changes, as well as attention deficit, according to Albert Einstein Hospital’s child neurologist, Rejane de Souza Macedo.

Sequelae after stroke

One of the main concerns of physicians regarding patients who survive a stroke is the sequelae that remain. These children and adolescents may experience loss of movement, seizures, intellectual deficit and behavioral changes.

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