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Understand why procrastination can indicate health problems

Leaving the dishes for later, postponing the start of studies for an important test or leaving important activities for later are common habits of procrastinators. A new study, published this month in the journal JAMA Network Openshows how avoiding appointments can be a sign of health problems.

Researchers from Sweden conducted the study by tracking the lifestyles of 2,587 students from eight universities in Stockholm over the course of nine months. They aimed to clarify whether procrastination can cause mental and/or physical impacts.

Using a procrastination scale, the scientists divided the participants into two groups for comparison: those most likely to put off tasks and those least likely to. At the end of the nine months, they completed a questionnaire where various health criteria were measured.

Higher levels of procrastination were associated with poorer mental health, with stronger symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress; as well as a higher incidence of disabling pain in the shoulders or arms – or both –, worse sleep quality, loneliness and financial difficulties.

“While no specific health outcome was strongly associated with procrastination, the results suggest that it may be important for a wide range of health outcomes, including mental health issues, disabling pain and an unhealthy lifestyle,” says one. by the study’s authors, Eva Skillgate, in an article published on the website The Conversation.

The scientist states that other factors not considered in the analysis may explain the associations between procrastination and health damage and recognizes the limitations of the study, such as the short period of time elapsed and the recurrence of the application of the questionnaires.

“By having students answer questionnaires at various times, we could be sure that high levels of procrastination were present before we measured their health,” says Eva.

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Studies with clinical trials have already shown that therapy with cognitive-behavioral bias helps people to avoid procrastination. Strategies such as dividing long-term goals into short-term goals; stay focused on one activity at a time; and managing the distractions that the world offers, such as cell phone use, can be very useful in this process.

“It takes some effort, it’s not something one person can do while trying to meet a specific deadline. But even small changes can have a big effect. Why not start today by leaving your cell phone in another room when you need to focus on a task?”, suggests the teacher.

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