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UNICEF warns about the collapse of health supplies in Haiti

UNICEF warns about the collapse of health supplies in Haiti

PORT-AU-PRINCE.- UNICEF warned this Wednesday about the devastating impact that the recent crisis in Haiti has had on healthcare supply chains. Violence by armed gangs has resulted in the disruption and looting of containers containing vital supplies, as well as the paralysis of distribution services in the capital, Port-au-Prince.

This disruption left the Haitian health system on the brink of collapse, exacerbating an already fragile situation due to social instability and previous natural disasters.

Bruno Maes, UNICEF representative in Haiti, expressed concern about the situation, highlighting that the strangulation of supply chains could further worsen the health crisis in the country. Neonatal, maternal and medical supplies, vital for the survival of Haitian children, are among those affected by this situation.

The city of Port-au-Prince, which has historically been a crucial logistics hub for the distribution of supplies throughout the country, is now facing serious challenges due to violence and mass displacement of its residents. This situation placed additional pressure on health services, at a time when the population is already struggling with physical trauma and risks of disease.

To address this emergency, UNICEF and its partners are exploring alternatives to traditional distribution centers in the capital, seeking secondary routes to import and deliver vital supplies. Thanks to collaboration with the Ministry of Health and international donors, efforts have been made to ensure the continued delivery of vaccines, medications and medical equipment to the children of Haiti.

However, the urgency of the situation demands a faster and more coordinated response. UNICEF calls for the immediate delivery of supplies blocked in warehouses and containers, underscoring the need for concrete action to save lives amid this crisis. In recent days, significant progress has been made through an airlift supported by the European Union and the World Food Programme, which has facilitated the delivery of 38 tonnes of vital supplies from Panama.

Source: With information from Europa Press

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