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Uniform at school, proportional … How the RN wants to trap its opponents in Parliament

Marine Le Pen’s group defends its own legislative proposals in its parliamentary niche on Thursday. Some are very close to those defended by the LR, macronie or La France insoumise. What force the deputies to balance.

Around the National Rally. After the parliamentary niche of La France insoumise in December, Marine Le Pen’s party presents its own bills on Thursday. The movement should again send its opponents to the dilemma of rejecting texts with which they could agree, or vote hand in hand with it and be accused of collusion.

On the menu of this day during which the RN sets the agenda of the National Assembly, in other words the texts examined by the deputies, there is in particular one of the main proposals of the movement during the presidential election: the incentive for the companies to raise salaries by 10%.

A proposal on uniforms to tempt LRs and certain macronists

But Marine Le Pen wants to brew much wider than her electoral base and seeks to show that her group wants to act on subjects that go beyond its fundamentals, even if it means trapping opposition.

The right could thus be tempted to say yes to the bill which should be debated this Thursday on the uniform in schools and colleges. During the televised debate for the presidency of the LRs, Éric Ciotti, Aurélien Pradié and Bruno Retailleau all three positioned themselves in favor of a single outfit in schools.

Some in the ranks of the presidential majority also defend its port while 7 Macronist deputies had tabled a similar bill last November, then supported by Sonia Backès, the Secretary of State for Citizenship. Brigitte Macron also made it known in the columns of the Parisian that she would appreciate the deployment of the measure.

The prohibition of EPZs, a hobbyhorse of the right

Another text could also arouse interest beyond the 88 elected officials of Marine Le Pen: that on the abolition of low emission zones. Launched to improve air quality, when pollution is thought to be the cause of nearly 100,000 premature deaths in France each year, they aim to prevent the most polluting vehicles from circulating in certain areas, mainly city centres.

Ultimately, cars manufactured before 1997 and diesels before 2001 could be banned in 45 towns with more than 150,000 inhabitants by 2023. The RN sees it as the symbol of “punitive ecology” just like the LRs who have been campaigning for years. weeks for the government to back down.

Winks are also launched at the Modem with the bill to “revitalize political representation” to elect deputies proportionally. François Bayrou has been defending this subject for years. The president himself said he was open during the 2022 campaign to “full proportional” in the National Assembly.

“Kiss of Death”

However, it remains unlikely that these texts will be adopted by the right-wing deputies and a fortiori by the other camps.

“We can agree with the things they say but vote for it, it’s no. It would be a kiss of death for us”, summarizes an LR deputy with

For lack of time – at midnight, the debates stop automatically – certain proposals should not be debated either, such as that on the presumption of self-defence for the police.

“We knowingly placed it at the end of the parliamentary niche. We are already very identified with the defense of the police. We do not necessarily need to add more”, deciphers an RN deputy.

LFI uneasy about unvaccinated caregivers

The rebellious were forced into a tightrope even before the debates in the hemicycle. The RN group announced last December that it wanted to take over the proposal of La France insoumise to reintegrate caregivers not vaccinated against Covid-19.

While the Social Affairs Committee had said no a few hours later to the appointment of an RN rapporteur to defend it, it was Caroline Fiat, an LFI deputy who was appointed to defend it, in accordance with the rules in force. It was indeed already she who had carried the text of her group in the hemicycle.

But, faced with the outcry, especially on the benches of their communist partners, the rebellious had finally retreated.

“Sectarian behavior” of Renaissance and LFI for Le Pen

The presidential majority also had cold sweats. Marine Le Pen intended to defend a bill on universal emergency aid for victims of domestic violence. It would have been complicated to reject by the hemicycle when it had been adopted unanimously by the Senate last October. The text was finally taken over by Renaissance.

“I see that the parties, and in particular on the left, have a completely sectarian behavior,” the leader of the group rebuked on Wednesday before the association of parliamentary journalists.

While rejoicing that the niche of the RN allows a good exhibition of the work of its deputies in the midst of a standoff between the left and the government on the pension reform.

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