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Uniform at school: what fly stung Brigitte Macron?

She had opened the ball at the beginning of December in “l’Obs” by confiding her feelings about school, the teaching of French, learning to read, school bullying, her aversion to inclusive writing and her distance from towards the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye. A month later, the ex-prof Brigitte Macron does it again and continues on her educational path by responding to the readers of the ” Parisian “. This time, she recalls the benefits of ” a little dictation every day “, pleads for the extension of the ban on mobile phones in high school and is in favor of wearing a uniform at school – “ a simple outfit, but not sad “.

Brigitte Macron, Education Advisor

It is therefore the second time that the wife of the Head of State has ventured into the political field, far from the duty of absolute reserve that she had compelled herself to observe during her husband’s first five-year term. But, although eminently political, its struggles all concern the protection of children and vulnerable people. January being the month in which, following Bernadette Chirac, she promotes yellow coins for hospitalized children, she takes the opportunity to give her opinion on the education of children in public schools. Whatever the minister in charge of the matter in the government thinks. Before her, other first ladies did not hide their way of thinking either, without worrying about official positions: Bernadette Chirac, elected from Corrèze, spoke out against Pacs; Danielle Mitterrand, who was not elected, did not hesitate to display her Third World positions and to defend Fidel Castro.

On the wearing of the uniform, the wife of the President of the Republic joins a position defended for a long time by the right and the RN, but also by several deputies of the Renaissance group. Last November, supported by the Secretary of State for Citizenship Sonia Backès, a small group of elected officials worked on drafting a bill in favor of a ” common school uniform in the name of equality and for create a sense of belonging “. But the offensive – momentarily – fell short in the face of the hostility of the majority of the group and that of Pap Ndiaye. After initially eluding by suggesting a working group on the subject, the Minister of National Education clearly opposed it ten days ago. ” Imposing the wearing of the uniform on all students is no “, he decided on BFMTV.

Connection with the RN

The initiative of the Renaissance deputies obviously also aimed to preempt a subject carried by the right and the National Rally. ” No question of leaving this political object to Marine Le Pen. We must give a firm response “explained one of them to the” Figaro “in November. Unfortunate coincidence? Brigitte Macron’s plea comes at the very time when the National Rally, taking advantage of its parliamentary niche, presents this Thursday, January 12, a bill to introduce school uniforms in order to ” end social markers and Islamist guerrilla warfare against 2004 law “. As for the Republicans, they did the same last week in the Senate with a text co-signed by Bruno Retailleau. The Elysée would have liked the interview to be published on Wednesday, but it was necessary to leave room for the presentation of the pension reform.

His method, his projects: Pap Ndiaye, the great interview

Will the words of the first lady of France influence the course of the debate? Despite the displayed opposition of the Minister of Education to the wearing of the uniform, the Renaissance deputies continue to work on this subject, which has a bearing on public opinion. Definitely more in any case than that of pensions… Coincidence there again?

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