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Union rally authorized at the Stade de France: the left welcomes

Several left-wing elected officials spoke after the suspension of the decree which prohibited union gatherings near the Stade de France.

“All that for this”. The deputy mayor of Paris Ian Brossat reacted on Twitter after the suspension of the prefectural decree which prohibited the union gathering near the Stade de France on the occasion of the final of the Coupe de France. The PCF spokesperson had rebelled on BFMTV a few hours earlier and had denounced a “completely absurd” decision.

Other left-wing elected officials also welcomed this court decision. The deputy LFI Thomas Portes, in particular, who hailed on Twitter the “victory of the inter-union” before calling to gather around the stadium “to distribute red cards and whistles”. Marine Tondelier, the national secretary of EELV, split a tweet with the image of a referee waving a red card.

PS deputy Arthur Delaporte also spoke on the social network to rejoice at a “new defeat of state representatives who use anti-terrorism laws to contain social mobilizations”.

Friday, the police headquarters had banned the union rally planned for the final of the Coupe de France while Emmanuel Macron will attend the final.

“No risk” for the safety of spectators

The prefect of police of Paris, Laurent Nuñez, had taken this decree in particular because of the “huge flow of spectators” with 78,000 people expected at the stadium, he explained on RMC this Saturday.

The police headquarters had also stated in a communiqué published on Friday that the “use of whistles during the match would not fail to lead to the interruption of the match” due to the “disruption of the refereeing”, leading to a risk of “collisions in the stands or even invasion of the lawn”.

Several members of the left had denounced this ban. This afternoon, the inter-union finally announced that the decree was suspended. She had seized the administrative court, which considered that the prefect of police had not demonstrated that the “gathering subject of the dispute would present a particular risk with regard to the safety of spectators going to the match and users of the public highway ” , according to the decision consulted by BFMTV.

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