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Unitary Platform denounces that it had access to only 30% of the electoral records

Unitary Platform denounces that it had access to only 30% of the electoral records

CARACAS.- The Secretary of the Unitary Platform, Omar Barboza, said that “we all know what happened today in Venezuela” and “with the minutes that we have, the projection of their content, gives us a result that should not be in doubt if we want to recognize the truth.”

Barboza held a press conference to denounce that the electoral body did not allow the democratic opposition to have access to all the minutes.

He said that in the name of the future and of a project that seeks to reconcile Venezuelans and rebuild Venezuela, he asked the regime not to make a false step, urging the electoral body to count the votes once “we can have all the records” as established by law.

“We have obtained 30% of the minutes because we were not allowed access. The witnesses were removed from the table and it was physically impossible to have everything we should have had if the process had facilitated everything provided for by law. What we have to defend is the popular will, the peace of Venezuela and its future.

He spoke of the need for “us to understand each other, to learn to lose and to win, to also learn that democracy is alternation and that the people have the right to alternate the government when they consider it to be in the country’s interests.”

He asked “those people who have the responsibility, the armed forces themselves, to please think about the future of Venezuela and its peace. Let’s wait calmly. We are sure of what we have. We know what we have, you (the regime) wait too, we will speak with international observers to verify each of the arguments…”

“Today we are addressing the country and all the relevant authorities to ask them, in the name of peace in Venezuela, to ensure that the vote is credible as an instrument for making major decisions,” Barboza began his press conference.

He asked the regime not to take a false step “that through some authoritarian haste they try to destroy the civic construction that has meant that all of us who want change through the electoral route in a peaceful manner with the vote of every Venezuelan.

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