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United Kingdom: Thanks to ChatGPT, students obtain the best possible grade on an exam

OpenAI’s artificial intelligence chatbot was used to write an essay. Without copying ChatGPT’s answers word for word, the software served as support for the assignment.

A “first class” note. In the French system, this is equivalent to a 17 or more. But to get this distinction during an assignment, students at Cardiff University in Wales primarily used ChatGPT rather than their knowledge.

Usually, Tom (first name changed) receives slightly lower grades, around 15. After a successful first try, the young student could see himself continuing to use the OpenAI AI model. Especially since he had never scored so high before.

“I was not copying everything word for word, but I was asking questions which allowed me to access information much more quickly than usual”, explains the student to the British media. BBC.

Integral part of the work process

However, unlike previous cases, no cheating was noted this time. By learning about the history of internet connections, Cardiff University discovered 14,443 visits to the ChatGPT site in January. There were none in December 2022, when the solution had only just been released.

“Most of the visits were identified as coming from our research network – our computer science school, for example, is interested in research and teaching of artificial intelligence”, explains the university, which advances rather a legitimate use of ChatGPT.

Yet on the student side, the use of ChatGPT becomes almost systematic. Especially at John (first name changed), who no longer completes a single assignment without the AI ​​model and who consults it before each assessment.

“ChatGPT is now part of my work process and it will probably continue until I can no longer access it,” the student told the BBC.

Efforts reduced by 20%

Among the tasks that John delegates, the summary of the notions of a lesson when they are “not very well explained by the teacher” or the suppression of the “bla-bla” of the teachers dispensable to make the homework. In total, the student reduces the effort needed to write an essay by 20%.

If he is “certain that no one can distinguish” the contribution of ChatGPT in his homework, he fears however to be caught and to see his diploma being taken away from him. Especially since Cardiff University takes plagiarism via ChatGPT “extremely seriously”.

Moreover, if it is not mentioned directly in the integrity policy, the inappropriate use of artificial intelligence remains punishable. “We actively discourage any student from committing breaches of academic rules,” said Cardiff University.

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