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United Nations General Assembly reaches 78 years

57 years after the adoption of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

MIAMI. – United Nations held its first General Assembly 78 years ago, on January 10, 1946, in London. The organization was born in October 1945 after the majority of the 51 member states ratified the founding document.

The General Assembly is the deliberative body of the UN, which currently has 193 members. States members. The admission of States must be approved following the recommendation of the Security Council.

The States meet annually in a session held in the General Assembly Hall in New York. According to the official itinerary, in the first days, a debate is held in which several Heads of State participate.

“Decision-making in the General Assembly requires a two-thirds majority on matters of vital importance; such as those relating to peace and security, the admission of new members, and budgetary matters. Decisions on other matters are They take by simple majority. Each year, a President is elected who holds office for one year,” says the UN.

Debate at the United Nations

In the debate of the General Assembly, the participations of the States Members take turns. In this way, the right to reply is granted when necessary.

The Assembly meets in ordinary sessions from September to December of each year. However, these meetings resume in January until the agenda items are addressed.

In September 2023, the United Nations General Assembly focused on debates on the climate crisis and the sustainable development goals; besides the war in Ukraine, the crises in Africa and the security situation in Haiti.

The United States is the host country for the General Assembly. The order of speakers is governed by aspects such as the level of representation, geographical balance, and the order in which the request to speak was made.

In September 2023, President Joe Biden called for cooperation, resilience and peace. He also urged countries to work together to combat the climate crisis, boost development, reduce food insecurity and combat disease.


Source: United Nations

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