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United States: a train on fire after derailing in Ohio, 5,000 people in solitary confinement

Firefighters from three states, Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia were mobilized. The United States Environmental Protection Agency was also on hand to check air quality.

A major fire broke out Friday evening, in the north of the State of Ohio, after a train derailed, forcing the authorities to evacuate and force the people living in the surrounding area into isolation, reports CNN.

Firefighters from three states, Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia were mobilized. The United States Environmental Protection Agency was also on hand to check air quality.

Trent Conaway, the mayor of East Palestine, the city where the incident took place, told a press conference that no one was injured. He added, with CNN, that the train could have transported dangerous material.

“At the moment the air quality is good,” he said, adding that the bad smell in the air was due to the fire and nothing else.

The 5,000 people living in East Palestine must isolate themselves until the order is lifted. Two centers have been opened to receive them and the Red Cross has been informed.

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