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United States: new embarrassing revelations for a Supreme Court judge

An influential Republican Party donor allegedly paid for the private education of a family member of conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who never reported such payments in his annual financial statements.

Justice Clarence Thomas, considered the most conservative on the US Supreme Court, faces new controversy after news outlet ProPublica revealed on Thursday that a conservative billionaire paid for the private education of a family member.

Clarence Thomas had already found himself in the storm in early April, when ProPublica revealed that he had accepted, without declaring them, expensive gifts, including private jet flights or cruises on a mega-yacht, from the same businessman, Harlan Crow.

In its article published Thursday, ProPublica reports that in 2008, Clarence Thomas decided to send his teenage great-nephew (whom he had been raising with his wife “like a son” from the age of six) to a private school at more than $6,000 per month.

Democrats call for a code of ethics

But a bank statement from Hidden Lake Academy from July 2009 shows that tuition for the teenager that month was paid for by Harlan Crow’s company, Crow Holdings. Judge Thomas, on the Supreme Court since 1991, never mentioned these payments in his annual financial declarations, according to the American media.

Real estate magnate, billionaire Harlan Crow is one of the largest donors to the Republican Party in the United States.

Influential Democratic Senator Dick Durbin reiterated Thursday his call for the establishment of a binding code of ethics for Supreme Court justices.

“The Court’s reputation and credibility are at stake,” he said in a statement.

After the April revelations, some elected Democrats had called for the “immediate resignation” of Clarence Thomas. He defended himself by assuring that the rules governing declarations around this type of stay had changed and that Harlan Crow had no pending case before the Supreme Court.

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