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Unlimited gender violence in the City

He threatened to kill a woman and tried to throw gasoline on her body / on the day

During the last hours, several complaints of gender violence were reported in La Plata that ended with detainees and victims assisted for different injuries.

These cases continue to demonstrate that the problem is still in force in the population beyond the prevention measures that different government agencies have been adopting to eradicate this scourge.

One of the episodes took place at 157 and 530. There a 49-year-old man was arrested after threatening to kill a woman and trying to throw gasoline at her body.

Police sources detailed that the victim was being held by the person involved in a house, did not let her leave and also threatened her after a strong discussion.

It was at that moment that the agents arrived at the scene after a request for help made by the woman.

The officers managed to subdue him and put him in court for the crimes of damage and threats, and he was transferred to the Melchor Romero Police Station.

He hit her in front of her son

In another serious episode of gender-based violence, a woman was attacked by her ex-partner with fist blows to the ribs and face in front of her 4-year-old son.

The event occurred in 39 between 18 and 19, when the defendant forcibly entered the victim’s apartment and after attacking her, he also locked her up.

Police sources indicated the woman managed to escape with the help of neighbors, who heard her cries for help and called 911.

It was the people from the Fourth Police Station who showed up at the scene and arrested the man who was inside the building.

Meanwhile, in a third event, a 31-year-old man was also detained after threatening his ex-girlfriend to burn down her house.

This violent act occurred at 527 and 14, in the San Carlos neighborhood. Spokespersons detailed that he would have asked her to resume the relationship, she rejected him and then he threatened her. He was transferred to the La Unión police station.

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