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Unsuccessful call for Prieto in CDE: there were more officials than citizens

Unsuccessful call for Prieto in CDE: there were more officials than citizens

During the development of the traditional Te Deum in the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Cardinal Adalberto Martinez gave a message addressed to the President of the Republic and other authorities who assumed this August 15.

First, the Archbishop of Asunción referred to one of the readings read during the mass and stated that “for the construction of peace, the wisdom that comes from above is needed”, which is shown “with a simple and straight conduct, capable of overcoming any rivalry”.

Our country needs to overcome all kinds of rivalry and discord to build the Paraguay that we dream of and urgently need”, affirmed Martínez, who advocated for overcome pride and arrogance and the promotion of concord, overcome rivalries, promote social dialogue and seek consensus.

The Church has the right and the duty to accompany the being and activities of national life contributing the richness of his Social Education, which is born from the heart of the Gospel”, he stated in his reflection.

I use this occasion to paraphrase Pope Franciswho at the time spoke about the relationship of the Church with politics, stating that “cannot and should not remain on the sidelines in the construction of a better world or stop awakening the spiritual forces that fertilize all life in society”. At the same time, he recalled the expressions of John Paul II during his visit to Paraguay when he stated: “You cannot corner God in consciences or the Church in temples.”

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“The Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay, includes in its Preamble one of the fundamental principles of the Social Teaching of the Church, which is the recognition of human dignity, on which it is based representative, participatory and pluralistic democracy”, said the Paraguayan cardinal, under the watchful eye of the authorities present in the cathedral.

Martinez also argued that the human person “must be free from want, with a secure, healthy subsistence and a stable occupation”, In addition to participating in public life “responsibly and freely, out of all oppression and all indignity”.

In turn, he mentioned that life itself must be guaranteed, from conception to natural deathbeing “the foundation of democracy and government in Paraguay, which must consecrate and guarantee the rights inherent to that dignity”.

With hope we have taken note of the commitments expressed publicly by the President of the Republic and that they are related to promote public policies that enable the achievement of the common good of the nationwhich is the ideal way for the integral human development and therefore to achieve sustainable development and prosperity of the country”, indicated the metropolitan archbishop, who considers that the development “It is not reduced to simple economic growth” but should be “comprehensive”.

He then advanced the accompaniment of the Catholic Church to a government management “that seeks and works for the common good, for social peace and the integral development of all”. In parallel, it also urges all government bodies and political and social forces “to collaborate with that objective, with a sense of homeland.”

Likewise, Martínez maintained that the Church “will fulfill its prophetic mission of denouncing actions that threaten the common goodwith the aim of stirring the conscience of political decision-makers, so that they adjust their conduct to social ethics and constitutional bases that govern our coexistence as a national society”.

In this sense, he indicated that the opposite of the common good is corruptionencouraging combat the use of public assets for private benefit “or that of friends or associates”, against nepotism, bribery, collusion, collusion and fraud, in addition to influence peddling and bribery or kickbacks, against the spread of lies and the concealment of information of public interestas well as “against everything that attacks the common home such as deforestation, pollution of water, land and air”.

“The Republic is founded in the balance and mutual control between the Powers of the State. I urge you in particular to care with patriotic zeal for the independence of Justice at all levels; to strengthen the work of the Public Ministry; to safeguard the integrity and credibility of extra-power bodies, for which it is a requirement that its members enjoy notorious intellectual and moral solvency,” he added.

Also read: Ovelar after Peña’s assumption of office: “We don’t have time to lose to meet the needs”

In another moment of the speech, Adalberto Martínez asked the rulers to take special care of the weakest people who may be in conditions of inferiority and vulnerability to defend their own rights and legitimate interests.

We invite hope. Every day we are offered a new opportunity, a new stage. We do not have to expect everything from those who govern us. We enjoy a space of freedom and co-responsibility capable of initiating and generating new processes and transformations. Today we are before the great opportunity to manifest our fraternal essence, instead of accentuating hatred and resentment. Let’s not be part of the evil power games. Let’s feed what is good and put ourselves at the service of good”, he pointed out.

Finally, the Paraguayan cardinal invited “Open up and wake up to dream and make the dream of a fairer, more supportive and equitable country a reality.”

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