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Up to 100 euros for an incorrectly disposed banana peel

The banana or the apple are the ideal snack for excursions. However, you should dispose of the rest properly. Otherwise, the short enjoyment can be quite expensive.

The most important things at a glance

If the banana peel doesn’t end up in the organic waste and the used handkerchief doesn’t end up in the residual waste, that’s no problem, is it? But. Because wrong recycling is not only a problem for the environment and causes additional costs for the disposal companies – and then also for the citizens. Abandoning or throwing away, as well as improper recycling, can also lead to hefty fines.

Fines for banana peels, handkerchiefs and Co.

Handkerchief: Paper handkerchiefs must not be left in nature. (Source: Westend61/imago-images-pictures)

The smallest amounts – for example a handkerchief, a banana peel, a paper plate or an empty cigarette box – are enough to violate the Closed Substance Cycle Act (KrWG). In most municipalities and regions, fines of between ten and 50 euros are incurred for this. However, if a banana peel is left behind in nature in Saarland with the belief that it will decompose as organic waste, this can be punished with a fine of up to 100 euros – in Hamburg such offenses are punishable with up to 70 euros.

The category of “insignificant products” also includes paper cups, leftover fruit and food, leftover fabric and ashes.

fines for newspapers

If several “insignificant products” such as a handkerchief, a newspaper, a plastic bag or a plastic bottle were not disposed of properly, a fine of up to 200 euros must be expected according to § 61 KrWG.

After a picnic, a barbecue in the park or a hike, you should therefore always take all your rubbish with you – including the piece of bread roll or baguette that was supposedly left as bird or animal feed.

Who checks the wrong waste separation?

Especially when the weather is nice and in the summer months, more checks are carried out by the public order office and the operator of the facilities at heavily frequented places or popular excursion destinations.

This not only serves to protect the environment. It also prevents animals from getting sick or injured and reduces the high costs of unnecessary additional site clean-ups.

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