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US Congress approves provisional law that avoids government shutdown

US Congress approves provisional law that avoids government shutdown

Racing against time to pass it before midnight Friday, the House of Representatives, on a bipartisan basis, agreed to keep the lights on at least until March 1, after the resolution is approved by the Senate.

This is the third temporary US budget agreement in which Republicans demand specific measures to stop the chaos at the southern border for three consecutive years, under Joe Biden’s irresponsible Open Door policy.

With money for many departments about to run out after midnight on Friday in Washington, Congress thus approved the text that must be sent to Joe Biden’s desk for promulgation before that deadline.

The US Congress was under pressure to avoid the famous partial “shutdown” of the government, especially considering that a snowstorm could reach Washington this Friday and the House of Representatives has already canceled the votes scheduled for that day.

The law will allow the government to continue funding state spending until early March, giving Congress time to agree on a broader budget and spending details.

Congress’ recurring failure to pass a budget for the fiscal year (which began four months ago) illustrates the dysfunctional nature of the American institutional apparatus.

Financing measures adopted for short periods are often used to avoid budget paralysis.

The text voted on Thursday was the subject of bitter negotiations between the Republicans, who have a majority in the Lower House, and the Democrats, who have a majority in the Senate.

The disagreement between both parties focuses on spending items.

Source: With information from

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