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US economy creates fewer jobs in June

US economy creates fewer jobs in June

The world’s largest economy added 209,000 jobs last month, compared with 220,000 analysts had expected, a figure that compares with a revised figure of 306,000 jobs in May. The unemployment rate dropped slightly from 3.7% to 3.6%, a historically low level.

Private companies in the United States added 497,000 jobs in June, much higher than in previous months and well above expectations, driven in particular by a strong increase in the hotel sector, according to the monthly ADP/Stanford survey. Lab that was known on Thursday. The report led stock markets into negative territory, as it supports the projection of new interest rate hikes to cool the economy by the Federal Reserve (Fed, central bank).

Job creation in April was also revised down to 217,000. The revisions for April and May mean 110,000 fewer jobs than initially estimated.

It is the public sector that drags the creation of employment, like health and social assistance and construction, detailed the Department of Labor.

A sign of a weakening labor market, the average number of jobs created per month in the first six months of the year is much lower than the average for all of 2022 (278,000 versus 399,000 jobs per month).

On the other hand, the average salary/hour rose again, 0.4% in June over May, and 4.4% in 12 months, slightly above what was expected by the market.

FUENTE: With information from AFP

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