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US intelligence probably designed a scenario for Putin and Zelenskyj’s deaths

After the leak in the Pentagon, more and more information from secret documents became known. US services apparently planned ahead for special scenarios.

New details from the leaked documents of the US secret services become known every day. The “New York Times” apparently has a paper outlining scenarios for the course of the Ukraine war. Accordingly, it is said to be a document from the US military intelligence service in which four possible war developments and their effects are analyzed.

The hypothetical scenarios include the deaths of Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. In addition, the removal of the top leadership of the Russian armed forces and a Ukrainian attack on the Kremlin are apparently outlined. The newspaper did not go into further detail in its report for the time being.

According to the New York Times, the document states that the war will most likely continue for a long time. Nevertheless, it describes how the possible scenarios could lead to an escalation in Ukraine, to an end to the conflict through negotiations, but also to an unchanged course of the war.

Widespread military mobilization

According to the newspaper, one scenario plays out what could happen if Ukraine attacks the government in Moscow. The document shows several possible consequences of such an attack. According to this, Putin could use a possible public outcry for a comprehensive mobilization and consider the use of tactical nuclear weapons. According to the document, however, society’s fears could also lead him to negotiate a settlement to the war.

According to the New York Times, the Biden government is particularly concerned about a possible attack by Ukraine on the Russian capital, as this could result in a drastic escalation in the Kremlin. The threat of such an attack by Ukraine is one of the reasons why the United States has been reluctant to supply Ukraine with longer-range missiles.

“Typical product of secret services”

According to the newspaper, the paper is “a typical product of secret services”. It is intended to help military officers, policy makers or legislators think about the possible impact of significant events.

US officials apparently did not want to confirm to the “New York Times” whether the document was genuine, but at the same time they did not deny the authenticity of the paper. The document is similar to other documents from the Pentagon, according to the newspaper.

The document appears to be dated February 24 and marked “one year”. This indicates that the analysis was carried out a year after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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