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US Presidential Candidate’s Wife Collapses – Reaction Triggers Heavy Criticism

Rollan Roberts II would like to become the next US President. picture: instagram/ rollanroberts


If you read about a sensational action by a US presidential candidate, it is often about former US President Donald Trump. Trump’s party colleague Rollan Roberts recently demonstrated that there are other candidates within the Republican Party who are conspicuous for their strange behavior.

Roberts, who describes himself on his own website as an American businessman and government adviser, announced in a YouTube live stream last Friday that he intends to run for the Republicans as US President next year. However, it was not the candidacy itself that made the headlines, but his dealings with his wife.

Roberts is reaping criticism on social media

While the US politician was about to announce his candidacy, his pregnant wife Rebecca Lea Roberts can be seen in the background, who suddenly loses her balance and staggers to the ground. But instead of worrying about his wife, Roberts remains impassive. Only when his employees rush to help his wife does Roberts go to her.

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on social media the video then spread like wildfire – and Roberts received a lot of criticism. For example, one user wrote on Twitter: “If I ever announce my candidacy for anything and see my wife collapse, there will be no measurable pause while I decide whether to continue speaking.”

Another person questioned his eligibility for office after the performance: “The campaign against him writes itself: ‘Rollan Roberts – his pregnant wife can’t count on him; neither should America.'”

Official statement on Instagram

on Instagram Roberts has now released an official statement about the performance. Before the press conference, a medical team examined Rebecca Lea Roberts and observed the situation closely, it said, among other things.

Rollan Roberts’ top priorities are his wife and family. Running for President was a family decision, and her health that pregnancy and the birth their first child were an important factor,” the statement continued.

Roberts’ wife herself also defends her husband: “The unjustified criticism and outrage at my husband’s response time is annoying. I was behind him and given the movement around us during the announcement there was no way for him to see what was happening.”

He is also “a consistent and stable leader” and does not “panic under pressure,” she tries to refute criticism of her husband’s ability.

However, it is still completely open who will go for the Republican party in the US presidential race. Ex-President Donald Trump announced his candidacy in November last year, for many experts, however, the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, is the party’s favourite. Even with the Democrats, there is still no clear personal commitment.

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